Election Process
The first step in our elections process is for the Board to solicit and approve a nominations committee of 5 - 7 active chapter members. This committee will help ensure prospective board applicants understand the board roles, requirements, and have the experience to lead the chapter successfully. By separating this function from the Board we are able to ensure a transparent and unbiased review. Typically once the committee is created there will be a kick off meeting to define objectives and ways of working for their contribution to the elections process. This includes familiarizing them with the timeline of the election cycle, the scoring rubric, and qualification criteria among other relevant information.
Board Roles and Descriptions
This document was created to help provide a more in depth understanding of each Board member role. It includes details such as a brief role description, responsibilities, common tasks, and expectations for how the board will operate. This only provides guidance and insight as different members may decide to share or collaborate on specific items as needed or if vacancies occur mid term. Vice Presidents are member elected positions held for a 2 year term. Director level roles are appointed as needed by the board to help achieve their goals and objectives as well as provide opportunities for growth to those potentially interested in becoming board members down the road. We also highly recommend you reach out to the current Board member of any role you are considering volunteering for to hear more about the position.
Consider Joining the Board
To run for election an applicant must:
- Be a Chapter member in good standing at the time of the election
- Submit an Application via e-form and be interviewed/approved by the Nominations Committee
Keep in mind:
- Leadership experience is preferred
- The role of President requires prior experience serving on the PMI-SNC Board
- See the timeline below for key election milestone dates
- In case of any questions, please email board@pmi-snc.org
Serving on the PMI-SNC Board takes time and dedication, but is also a rewarding experience.
- Attend Chapter Events and PMI Leadership Training for FREE
- Help shape the future of the chapter
- Expand your network and add to your resume
- Take part in developing and advancing the project management profession here in Southern Nevada
- Earn PDUs for volunteer service
Roles currently up for election:
- President
- VP Administration
- VP Finance
- VP Communications
- VP Membership
- VP Programs
- VP Professional Development
Roles in next election cycle:
Election Cycle Milestones
Applications Opened
Applications Closed
Membership Vote
Please ensure you have reviewed all of the information above prior to clicking the button below and submitting an application. Feel free to reach out to our VP of Administration with any questions at vpadministration@pmi-snc.org. Thank you.